Tapering down the miles. Have been fighting a cold this week, so took the last 2 days off from running. Felt much better today (thanks to daily fresh juices from Healthy Living) and was ready for a run after work. Beautiful day. Blue & red sunset hues colored the sky. Fluffy clouds, Adirondack mountain views and vibrant trees completed the Fall landscape in Vermont. Weather is getting much colder. A Burton hoodie, beanie and glove liners kept me toasty while I ran beside a choppy Lake Champlain. Noticed that my right ankle feels strong again after spraining it almost 2 months ago. (Still running in an ankle brace and wearing it throughout the day as well.) This time next week I'll be going to sleep so I can be awake and ready for my 5:30am flight to NYC. Trying to stay calm and making sure to rest this weekend in preparation for the big day. My main goal is to stay calm mentally while running the marathon, and be present, enjoying the views and experience as it will probably be the only time I run the streets of NYC with 40,000+ people. After the 20 mile night run I know I can do this. that said, I expect miles 20-26.2 especially to be a huge challenge. Off to read the latest
Runner's World issue and catch a good night's sleep. Happy Halloween weekend! Excited to be a ghost this year & choose rest & running over parties and hangovers.
A squirrel decided the pumpkin I carved, aka lil guy, was a good snack :(
P: Lindsay Dorey |