Just last week I was saying to a friend that I didn't think I'd ever do a marathon.... fast forward to one week later and I'm committed to run the New York City Marathon with the Stoked Mentoring crew! Excited & nervous for this challenge to say the least!
I started trail running this Spring with my good friend Ara, an awesome motivator, who introduced me to the local Vermont trail race series that happens every Tuesday night through the end of September at Catamount. I have been tracking my races in a nerdy Excel sheet each week and have happily been able to meet or exceed my personal goals each time I race!
That said, these races are 5K. 3.2 miles is a far cry from 26 miles. I have some serious work cut out for me and am ready for a good challenge. I head to New Zealand for the Burton New Zealand Open & team shoot August 4-23rd. This will be my 5th time to NZ and 1st time going with a big personal goal. Luckily I am surrounded by amazing athletes like Kelly Clark, Hannah Teter & Enni Rukajärvi to name a few. When not working with them at the event or shoot, I look forward to snowboarding, hopping on their cross-training plans & appreciating the beauty of New Zealand as I meet my daily mileage goals.
I have heard that running a marathon is life changing & am inspired to dedicate these next 3 months to getting in the best shape of my life. Excited to see the change it brings! The experience of running with a massive group of people through NYC in the most prestigious race out there sounds amazing alone. I'm originally from Rhinebeck, New York & can't think of a better place to run my 1st (and maybe only!) marathon.
Ready to take all the steps for not only myself but for Stoked Mentoring & to help kids have a chance for positive life change through action sports. Snowboarding & Burton have given me more amazing experiences and opportunities than I could have ever thought possible. Pay It Forward as the saying goes. If you'd like to support my efforts for Stoked, here is the place to do so: http://www.crowdrise.com/SusieFloros
"Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must move faster than the lion or it will not survive. Every morning a lion wakes up and it knows it must move faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up, you better be moving." - Maurice Greene
(Will have a lot of time to ponder deep thoughts like this on the long run!)